IDEINFO.EXE Page 1 Contents Introduction.......................... 1 Output................................ 2 How to interpret the output........... 3 Some notes............................ 5 Credits............................... 5 Me.................................... 5 Introduction ------------- Try ? or H as parameter and you will see a short description on possible parameters. This is what the output looks like: ___________________________________________________________________________ IDEINFO [[H] || [?] || [R]] || [[F]] [P xxx] [P xxx].. ]] Tries to tell all about all IDE drives, including ATA-2 stuff. Options may be preceded with -, / or none -H or -? prints this help. -R Reads idedrive.* files from current directory. -F Writes drive identify info to idedrive.* files to current directory. -P xxx looks only adapter at port xxx, xxx in hex format File extension is next available number when writing. File size is 512 bytes. You may redirect output. Example: Look only for adapters at 1F0h (primary) and 170h (normal secondary) and write info to files. IDEINFO P 1f0 P 170 F _________________________________________________________________________ Default action is to scan all four addresses mentioned in ATA-2 draft spec for IDE adapters(1f0h, 0170h, 0f0h, 070h), if found, report characteristics of master drive and search also for slave. Page 2 Output -------- Output for a normal ATA (not ATA-2) drive looks like this: Note: Identify Device Information words used are in brackets. ____________________________________________________________________________ DRIVE 0 Adapter 1 at base address 170h Disk Reports BIOS Reports Default Current # of Cylinders______: 665 [1] 665 [54] 0 # of Heads__________: 16 [3] 16 [55] 0 # of Sectors/Track__: 63 [6] 63 [56] 0 Model Number________: Conner Peripherals 340MB - CFA340A [27-46] Serial Number_______: BQBA27A [10-19] Controller Rev. #___: 6FT1.70 [23-26] Double Word Transfer: No [48] Controller type_____: a dual ported multi-sector buffer capable of simultaneous transfers with a read caching capability. [20] Buffer size (kB)____: 64 [21] # of ECC bytes______: 4 [22] # of secs/interrupt_: 64[47]Current setting 16 [59] LBA support No [49],[60-61],[53],[57-58] DMA support Yes [49] IORDY supported No [49] IORDY can be disabled No [49] PIO data txfer cycle timing mode: 1 [51] SW DMA txfer cycle timing modes: [62] Active [62] MW DMA txfer cycle timing modes: 0 Active 0 [63] Sorry, no ATA-2 features implemented Adapter 1 at 170h Drive 1 not found Last status 0h _________________________________________________________________________ The output above was generated running under OS/2 2.11. For some reason OS/2 lets user programs access secondary adapters and correctly inhibits access to primary adapter. Note the effect of /SMS (Set Multiple Support) parameter of OS/2 IDE driver IBM1S506.ADD (# of secs/interrupt_:, Current setting 16 ). For newer drives you might get also something like this: _______________________________________________________________________ Congratulations, your drive supports ATA-2 [53] Advanced PIO txfer modes supported: 3 [64] Min MW DMA txfer cycle time/word: 363 ns 5.5MB/s [65] Mfg Recommended MW DMA txfer Cycle Time 363 ns 5.5MB/s [66] Min PIO txfer Cycle Time w/o Flow Control 363 ns 5.5MB/s [67] Min PIO txfer Cycle Time w IORDY Flow Control 250 ns 8.0MB/s [68] ________________________________________________________________________ For ATA-2 reference I used Revision 2c April 29, 1994. I may have messed up some interpretations of spec, hope not too many. Page 3 How to interpret the output --------------------------- For a more complete reference you should get ATA-2 spec (draft) from: ATA Anonymous FTP Site ATA directory is: "/pub/ata" SCSI Bulletin Board 719-574-0424 Document Distribution Global Engineering 15 Inverness Way East Englewood, CO 80112-5704 Tel: 303 -792-2181 or 800-854-7179 Fax: 303 -792-2192 Translation: ------------ Disk Reports Default Current # of Cylinders______: 665 665 # of Heads__________: 16 16 # of Sectors/Track__: 63 63 First column is default translation and next is current. Current may be all -1 if validity bit is not set. Some drives accept any translation that doesn't exceed capacity and some accept only one translation. Multiple sector setting: ------------------------ Normally the drive generates an interrupt for each sector read/written but enabling multiple sector setting and using read/write multiple commands enables the drive controller to work more efficiently and saves CPU cycles because interrupt is generated and processed only once for a given number of sectors. You must have BIOS support or a software driver to utilize this. Some drives get 30% boost, others only %5. Buffer size (kB)____: 64 # of secs/interrupt_: 64 Current setting 16 If Buffer size is half of secs/interrupt value and "Current setting" is missing the drive doesn't most propably support multiple sector per interrupt feature. If "Current setting" is shown the drive should work with multiple sector per interrupt. LBA support ----------- Found in most drives with capacity over 528MB. Normal BIOS and IDE translation parameters together have a limit of 528MB. BIOS alone has a 8GB limit. IDE alone has a 137GB limit. LBA (Logical Block Address) uses no translation and blocks or sectors are addressed with 0 to a device specific maximum LBA number. The maximum LBA number cannot exceed 268 435 455 (137GB). Using LBA should save some CPU cycles. DMA support ----------- DMA (Direct Memory Access) means that the device writes directly to main memory thus freeing CPU from I/O handling. The other transfer mode is PIO (Programmable I/O). ISA bus has a limit of 16MB DMA addressable memory. Page 4 IORDY supported --------------- IORDY is needed with PIO mode 3 Transfer modes -------------- +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | PIO |Mode 0|Mode 1|Mode 2|Mode 3| | timing parameters | nsec | nsec | nsec | nsec | +----+------------------------------------------+------+------+------+------+ | t0 | Cycle time (1) (min) | 600 | 383 | 240 | 180 | Transfer rate (calculated) MB/s | 3.3 | 5.2 | 8.3 | 11.1 | Modes 0 .. 2 are included in ATA spec, PIO mode 3 in ATA-2. +----------------------------------------------------------+ | Single word DMA | Mode 0| Mode 1| Mode 2| | timing parameters | nsec | nsec | nsec | +----+----------------------------------+-------+-------+-------| | t0 | Cycle time (min) | 960 | 480 | 240 | | Transfer rate (calculated) MB/s | 2.1 | 4.2 | 8.3 | +----------------------------------------+-----------+ | Multiword DMA | Mode 0 | Mode 1 | | timing parameters | nsec | nsec | | | Min | Max | Min | Max | +-----+----------------------------+-----+-----|-----+-----| | t0 | Cycle time | 480 | | 150 | | | Transfer rate (calculated) MB/s | 4.2 | | 13.3| | DMA mode 0 is included in ATA spec, mode 1 in ATA-2. Page 5 Some notes ---------- IDEINFO was compiled with BC++ 3.1 using 286 intructions. XT or 8-bit interfaces were not even considered, so you should have a 286 or better to use this program. Currently IDEINFO tries to read idedrive.0 .. idedrive.99 files with R parameter. I hope that 100 files is enough for a while. Increasing it would slow it down or extensions would have to be in sequence. The line # of secs/interrupt_: 64[47]Current setting 16 [59] apparently tells also if OS/2 (2.1, 2.11) IBM1S506.ADD will support /SMS parameter. Word 59 has a validity bit and if it is not set "Current setting" will not be displayed and IBM1S506.ADD ignores /SMS. There are some drives that have validity bit set but still IBM1S506.ADD ignores /SMS but the only such drive I have encountered is Seagate ST3391A. I am not sure about which last status values (displayed when adapter is not found) mean that there is no device responding. I have seen 7fh on EISA bus machine and OS/2, ffh on others. If you see some other value there is propably something using that address. Credits -------- Great help in getting started was the source code of: DUG_IDE : Provides IDE disk info on both drives in the system Version 1.0 Copyright (c) 12 Jan 1993 by Doug Merrett - All rights reserved Linux 1.1 kernel sources were also consulted. Me --- Copyright (c) July 1994 by Raimo Koski - All rights reserved Postal Address: Uudenmaantie 23 K 3 20720 Finland